I’m a prospective Brown 2015-er. Since Brown does not calculate GPA, how does grad school admittance work? Do a lot of students go on to grad school? How does Brown prep students for applying?</p>
<p>I know that some 60% or more go on to grad/professional school within a few years of graduation.</p>
<p>As for GPA, I have no idea. Graduate chime in?</p>
<p>There isn’t much of a graduate population on this board, but…grad schools look at the entire transcript, not just a GPA, and nothing’s stopping you or them from calculating a GPA. The Classics department guide actually says how you can compute one (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, ignore failing courses since they don’t appear externally and don’t count S’s, with or without distinction).</p>
<p>Uroogla is right, the entire transcript goes, so they use it how they like. There is information on the Brown website about admit rates to grad school, which is quite high.</p>
<p>Brown preps students by offering strong academics, pretty much across the board strong departments, accessable professors, and fantastic opportunity to undergraduate research and grants, and often access to grad level courses. Depending on the department, there may be other assets to your CV, such as TA positions, conferences with chance to present session talks or posters.</p>