Grade 9'er considering if IB is really worth it

<p>Hello everyone, I'm a (soon to be) grade 9 student that lives in Alberta, Canada. Throughout middle school I've been debating whether or not to take IB in high school. I asked my mathematics teacher about it and she said, "If you would like to get into a good university it's very important that if you are taking IB that it has to be full IB, as partial IB isn't considered as highly".</p>

<p>Is this true? I dream of going to Harvard (or an Ivy in general) to study fiance and marketing, would this increase my chances of getting accepted or should I just stick to the normal courses and end up with a higher GPA? </p>

<p>This is my first post so sorry in advance for any mistakes I made.</p>

<p>Your reply is appreciated.</p>


<p>Self bump…</p>

<p>Do it!! You’ll enjoy it, though it will be a lot of work…you will have better options for colleges since you are in Canada. Also, make sure you do/continue doing other ECs throughout the program. Just doing IB isnt enough in my opinion.
-Grade 10’er thinking about IB classes ;)</p>

<p>I’m in 11th grade in IB and it honestly hasn’t been that hard.
JUST DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!! and that’s it(:</p>

<p>IB sucks. However, you do need to do full IB Diploma to get into an ivy (or equivalent) if your school is an IB school. Or else, you’re not taking “the most challenging courses”</p>

<p>Thank you for the replies!</p>