Grade change after transcript release?

<p>This is a repost of a thread I accidently posted in the wrong subforum, but I got limited response nonetheless. So here it goes again: </p>

<p>As it turns out, I received a high C in my second semester AP European history course junior year. This came from a teacher who severely dislikes discussing grades, and I was afraid to approach him about it until late into first semester. Surprsingly, he seemed to sympathize (as it is quite inconsistent with my previous academic success) and offered that I write an analysis to make up for some points that I lost. </p>

<p>The dilemma is this - my transcripts have already been sent out with the C on them. I could still write the paper and my grade would presumably be changed to B, a vast improvement (and definitely a way to boost my chances at admissions). </p>

<p>As I understand, I still have to send my mid-year report and could potentially attach a revised transcript. </p>

<p>Is it worth getting the change, or would it look too sketchy? It's the only C I've ever gotten and my transcript would look a lot better without it...How should I approach this offer?</p>

<p>of course you should send in a revised one.
a C looks bad. period.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’ll look sketchy. I would do it if I were in your position.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses, hereIcome and theguybehindyou.</p>

<p>But how would a revised transcript look to an admissions officer? Would I have to explain it to them/how would I go about it?</p>

<p>Buuuump please.</p>

<p>How should I inform the colleges about my revised transcript? What will they think of it?</p>