Grade Change!

<p>Hey everyone...</p>

<p>I was wondering what you guys thought about this....</p>

<p>Junior year I took Dual Enrollment Calculus and received an B first 9 weeks and an A second 9 weeks. However, since the community college only considers the Calc one class, they averaged the two and I got an A. </p>

<p>So on my college transcript, i have an A, but on my high school one, a B and an A, messing up my high school GPA.</p>

<p>Which brings me to my point: one of my friends talked to a guidance counselor about this, and managed to get his grade changed (he was in the same situation), and I will probably follow suit.</p>

<p>This was my only B, and will probably move me from number 5 in my class to around number 2...</p>

<p>Is this worth notifying my schools (Cornell, Dartmouth, and Yale) of the change? </p>
