Grade Inflation?

<p>How is it at Madison? Is the school pretty easy or tough in general? I'm thinking maybe political science and I'm not sure if its tough, easy, or average.</p>

<p>Thanks All!</p>

<p>Generally, the school is very hard. I was a transfer student from another top 50 school and found Madison to be much more competetive. However, the poli sci department here is wonderful and much more laid back than some of the other departments. If you go poli sci, I would say that it is an moderately difficult, but not cut-throat by any means.</p>

<p>Pushing is the key to success.</p>

<p>it depends on what classes you take. Some curves help people. The psych curve has been known to push people back a grade. This makes them look "tough" and "competitive". It's also idiocy to push people back letter grades to make the dept look strong. </p>

<p>It all depends on what classes you take. And there's a lot of them.</p>

<p>how are the engineering classes? what is the average gpa of engineering?</p>

<p>I am a math major and took all of my calculus courses with those in engineering. Most engineers were very competitive and those classes were by far the most difficult I ever took at UW - Madison. At least over half of the class received Bs or Cs and I'm willing to say that in some of my courses with engineers only 5 or 10 percent of the class received As. Engineering is SUPER competitive.</p>