Grade Mistake when submitting UC Apps?

Hey guys,

I’ve applied to 5 UCs so far, and I’ve heard back from SB so far, which I got in. The problem is I mistakenly reported a A when I really got a B in Chem II. This drops me from a 3.73 to a 3.58. I’m calling the admissions offices on Monday, but I keep stressing out about what to do now? Is there is really strong chance I will be rescinded?

Just stop stressing and tell them. They are likely to understand, especially if it is not a big taint on your resume. Besides, it IS the right thing to do and will put an end to all of your confusion.

By the way, dang. How does a single B drop you down by .15 points.

I’m a one year transfer student and took a lot of units per semester.

…Oh. I get it. Well, I’d still recommend telling them as soon as possible. They will definitely appreciate it sooner than later, and you may still have an ok chance. Just don’t stress about it.