<p>Do rules and limitations contribute to a person's happiness?</p>
<p>Rules and limitation does not contribute to a person's happiness, but instead contribute to increase antipathy. Fictional novels depict a life of horror when one is limited. History teaches us about radicals trying to break free from societal constraints. Several examples that demonstrate this belief can be found in both fiction and history. </p>
<p>To start off, in the novel 1984, main character Winston Smith is living under a dictatorship, meaning all rules, no freedom. The government, Big Brother, has a constant watch on all of its citizens from the food they eat to their favorite pastimes. Throughout the book, Winston is shown as a grumpy man. He hates it. He hates how he can't do anything he wants. He hates how he can't fall in love with his crush,, Julia. However the minute he was in the countryside, free of cameras, secret spies, and taunting children, Winston Smith finally feels free and his opportunities seemed endless. Therefore, rules and limitations make people, like WInston, extremely apathetic about life.</p>
<p>Another example can be found in the Women's Rights Movement, taking place during the Progressive Era. A hundred years ago, women had essentially no rights. They could not run a government, a house, or even their family. Because of the radical changes happening throughout the United States, a group of women came together in New YOrk to hold their first Women Convention, in hopes of gaining the rights promised to them by the Bill of RIghts. These women were mad that they were in constant servility to the male of the family. They had just the same amount of strength, ability, and morale as any man had in the world. These limitations definitely were not enjoyed by independence women of the Progressive Era/ Early 1990s. They detested it. As a result, women for over 50 years worked constantly to break that limiting barrier. </p>
<p>The last example can be found in another movement that was trying to gain civil rights. The Civil Rights Movement was a reaction to all the rules America placed on people of a "colored" race. The Jim Crow Laws was a series of rules that dictate how, what, and where blacks can eat, sit, sleep. This maddened so many people, such as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King jr. To stand up on such limiting facts, MLK and Rosa Parks each did something heroic to live freely. MLK said his famous "I have a Dream" speech, describing the idyllic society with no rules and limitations. Rosa Parks sat in a "forbidden" area, showing the world how insane the limitations of racism are. BEcause of these two people and countless others, Americans can now live in a free, equal country that does not limit anyone. </p>
<p>Living in freedom is basically living in happiness. We pick our own paths in life. We choose what we want to do. Limitations does the opposite. Limitations cause unhappy people to revolt, to escape, to challenge authority. As demonstrated through major historical events and literature, restraints create unhappy people</p>