Grade panic

<p>^Same here.</p>

<p>Just wanted to say that DD1 had 2 interviews yesterday and both asked her what her biggest screw ups were 1) in school and 2) as an athlete. She had a doozy of a story for each. What was important to the interviewer was how she handled the situation at the time and how she changed her approach to studying/competition/life afterwards.</p>

<p>As many above have said, your son can still right his course, save his grade and have a story to tell a prospective employer!</p>

<p>My son is in CS also. The projects are tough and time consuming. And one early mistake can ruin the rest of the project. There are a few professors that are particularly difficult. My son has one if them for the second time this year, and says he STILL has a hard time figuring out how to prepare for his exams. </p>

<p>Good luck to your son. I know he will figure it out.</p>

<p>What are the numerical equivalents for each grade???</p>

<p>If you want the numerical values for computing GPA it’s</p>

<p>A+ 4.3, A 4.0, A- 3.7
B+ 3.3, B 3.0, B- 2.7
C+ 2.3, C 2.0, C- 1.7
D+ 1.3, D 1.0, D- 0.7
F 0</p>

<p>If you want to know the cutoff to receive a specific letter grade in a class, it varies based on the course/instructor and should be listed in the syllabus at the beginning of the class</p>

<p>This GPA calculator is useful.
[University</a> of Alabama Early College](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>I wanted the specific letter grade in a class…weird that it varies… Thanks jrcsmom!</p>

<p>My blades are not whirling hard enough this morning for me to creep on the syllabi of all the classes…maybe later. Lol</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yup. Whoooop.</p>

<p>Grade panic is a good title for this thread. Because panic suggests a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking (copied from dictionary).</p>

<p>Ok, there’s been major progress in this house, this year over last. (My helicopter is in for repairs at present. Read, trying very hard not to snoop, nag, bug, or pry.) </p>

<p>Sophomore S actually wrote ME an email today (yep!), totally unprovoked, and gave me an update on his tests from last week. The old me probably would have known this information already and robbed him of the joy of sharing…but the new me celebrates the ‘surprise’ of him getting 104/100 on one exam and 96/100 on the other. The 96 was in a class he was considering dropping last week and re-taking it Spring semester because his HW was going so badly at that point and I was definitely talking him off the ledge a bit about it. As his email stated: “Guess I’m sticking with it now. :)” You go, Son! I love your surprises…</p>

<p>My DS texted me while at the game Saturday (his first) to let me know his test scores for last week (they were good). I texted back ‘great job, now time to focus on the game haha’. All in jest, was clear he was feeling good about it all. Perhaps he was more stressed than I realized.</p>



<p>Assymetrical. Interesting.</p>

<p>You lost me.</p>

<p>jrcsmom, while those are the values most often used to compute GPA, UA uses slightly different values.</p>



<p>That makes more sense. The values are symmetrical.</p>

<p>If your student thinks a grade has been assigned in error, please have them check politely with the instructor. Mistakes do happen! DD was assigned a “D” grade for an exam in Blackboard this morning and was completely shocked. She immediately emailed the instructor asking to make an appt. to go over her test because she felt like she knew the material better than her grade reflected. The instructor emailed her back and said not to worry that the grade had been entered incorrectly - she actually made an A+! Whew…</p>

<p>Just a follow up to my OP. He finished with an A for the class. He’s proud of never having a B, still over 4.0.</p>

<p>Now, anyone have an internship for a 4.0 EE student?</p>

<p>Wow, that’s awesome, Chardo! Plenty of postings for electrical engineering internships. Good luck!</p>

<p>Montegut…can you tell him where the postings are? He may not know.</p>

<p>USAJOBS. Also, make sure you’re on the email list for electrical engineering department. They send out job postings. Perhaps the Career Center has listings, too. My son’s friends who live in Huntsville and are electrical engineering majors have done internships at Redstone Arsenal. I don’t know if they were through the government or a contractor. He also says a lot of kids work at Southern Power, or Alabama Power, whatever the local electric company is. Son’s roommate is mechanical, but he got an internship at AT&T in Atlanta last summer. Good luck!</p>