Grade validation

How exactly does this work?

So in my Junior year, I received 2 Ds in the first semester for classes that are A-G for chemistry and math due to a large amount of excused absences (20+ days, with an additional few more from doctor notes), however in the 2nd semester, those Ds turned into As.
I asked my counselor about this and they said my grades were validated, and I could retake the class during the summer or something. Me having to deal with a lot of personal stuff, I ended up not taking it.

How exactly do UCs look at this?

I’m currently a senior in high school who’s also taking AP Statistics and AP chemistry.

Grade validation can only be used for Foreign Language classes and Math classes not Science classes. So getting an A second semester in your Math course validates the D for 1st semester. For Chemistry, you will only have a passing grade for 2nd semester which does not validate the D 1st semester. Also, if you do not retake the 1st semester courses, your D grades will be included in your UC GPA calculation.

Taking and passing AP Chemistry will not replace the D if the original Chemistry class was not AP Chemistry.

Since Senior grades are not considered for UC admissions, you are stuck with the D’s on your transcript which will definitely impact your UC chances.

Unfortunately your counselor gave you incorrect information in regards to your Chemistry class.

Also AP Stats does not validate any other Math courses.

Thank you

RIP UC chances I guess.
Guess in the future i can just do community college then transfer

CC to UC transfer is a great option and if you do TAG, you are guaranteed admission to 6 of the 9 UC’s (depending upon the major).

You can also get an excellent education at the Cal States and with 23 campuses, plenty of options and opportunities if you are willing to consider them.

UCR and UCM could still be in the picture even with your current grades. It really depends upon how much of an impact they will make in your GPA.

Remember there are many paths to get to where you want to end up.

Hmm calculating my UC GPA, it’s a 3.7075

My 10th grade classes and grade (not including + or - with letter grades)
Semester 1
Biology - A
Math course 2 - A
PE - A
World History - A
English 10 - A
French 1 - A

Semester 2
All As with the same classes

Grade 11
Semester 1
Math 3 - D
Theater - A
French 2 - A
Chemistry - D
AP Language and comp. - C
U.S. History - A

Semester 2
Math 3- A
Theater- A
French 2 - A
Chemistry - A
AP Lan and comp. - B (Exam taken and got a 4)
U.S. History - A

Also, can you explain what exactly is TAG

Did some research online to result with no clear answers.

With a 3.7 UC GPA depending upon test scores, UC Merced, Riverside and possibly Santa Cruz could be options along with most of the Cal states.

TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) can be used for UC Merced, Riverside, Santa Cruz, Irvine, Davis and Santa Barbara (some majors are not available through TAG).

You complete your major requirements and GE’s at a California community college and maintain a specific GPA (depends on which UC and major) and you are guaranteed admission to the UC campus you TAG into as a Junior level transfer.

Here is the current year TAG matrix which explains the requirements and GPA:

all of your bad grades essentially was in one semester. I would definitely try to explain this in your additional comments or perhaps even in one of your PI prompts, which may help your cause. It’s a shame, if your D’s and C had been say B’s, you’d be pretty golden right now.

I don’t know if this would help but my SAT was a 1500
Math : 770 English: 730

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Your SAT will definitely help since it does show you are a capable student and just had one bad semester. Many of the UC’s will ask for a supplemental review where you could send in documentation showing your medical issues for that semester, plus UCB could ask for LOR’s which could also help document this grade drop. The supplementals and LOR’s are by invitation only so if you addressed your medical issues in either one of your personal insight essays or in the additional comments section, there is a chance you will contacted for further explanation.

It really unfortunate that your counselor did not give you the correct information for retaking the courses especially if they were available during the summer. Best of luck and I am sure you will succeed wherever you end up.

I remember reading somewhere to be vague about your medical issues (or just say you had a medical issue)

Would i need to do that in the additional comments section, or actually mention the medical issue?

Depends upon the nature of the medical issue. Mental health issues are a Red flag so I would be vague about this issue.