Graded Essay Advice

Hello! I’m applying to Princeton RD and I was wondering if anyone could provide some help about the graded essay portion. I have two essays I’m considering: one is roughly 450 words and the other is 750 words. They both received the same grade and have similar quality of writing. However, the shorter one has teacher comments and the other has a graded rubric.

Should I submit the shorter essay even though it is less than a page or submit the longer essay even though it doesn’t have teacher comments?

Any advice would be helpful, thank you so much!!

If the grade is the same, I think I’d submit the shorter one. They will probably be more interested in the teachers comments plus it’s shorter.


Thank you so much! Happy Holidays!

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I will read both if you send them via PM/DM on this website.

I am an adult poster.

I do not need to see any grades or comments as I am looking for particular content in each essay.

Great advice!