This is specifically in reference to grades (US) & (Canada/UK)
Something that has been puzzling me for a while. Do colleges take your grade 12 marks/rank/whether you are a valedictorian or not… in factor (though I don’t see how this’d be possible); or is it just the grade 11 marks that count. Also, which do they put more weight on?
This has been bothering me specifically because in grade 10 my marks were pretty high and I was ranked 2 out of ~300; in grade 11, however, some of my marks dropped due to being overwhelmed by the heavy course load that I had as well as a sudden intensification of my extra-curricular activities, I don’t regret it (I wish I had put in more effort though), but now my rank is probably anywhere between 2-10 out of 300.
By now however, I’ve learnt to relax and maintain balance between everything that I’m doing without freaking out or overwhelming myself. I am reviewing a lot of the stuff for next year too, which can only mean good news for me. I am just curious as to whether my efforts will matter… of course they will, and of course it’s important that I do my best now for the future… as far as applications go.