<p>Allright, I am a high school senior, and have sent in all of my mid year reports.... Do the grades matter for college after you send the mid-year reports in? My school starts freezing our gpa and class rank in march, but our mid - year reports only included our grades until the end of december? If they do matter, how much....? I am worried because my mid-year report was decent, but this quarter (grades not included in my mid-year report, theres been a drop).....</p>
<p>Don’t worry about a few B’s, enjoy your last semester of High School a little and Lighten up. Colleges don’t care as long as there are not C’s, D’s or F’s and 1-2 C’s is not the end of the world either…</p>
<p>With those grades, you’re fine for either situation. They would not recind over a freaking B lol. You’d only have to worry if you got tons of C’s or lower</p>
<p>I feel like showing off my grades, and predictions too.</p>
<p>First Half of Senior Year
Chamber Orchestra - A
A.P. Literature - A-
A.P. Statistics - A-
A.P. Studio Art - A+
A.P. Economics - A
A.P. Government - A
A.P. Biology - A
Varsity Water Polo - A+</p>
<p>3rd Quarter (predicted)
Chamber Orchestra - A
A.P. Literature- Low B
A.P. Statistics - Low B (omg this class is ridiculous)
A.P. Studio Art - A+
A.P. Economics - High B
A.P. Government - Low A
A.P. Biology - Low A
Swimming - A+</p>
<p>Yea, Imma totally slack off too . yay.
As long as you don’t get straight B’s, and not a single C, you might be fine.</p>
<p>Not really, if we compare my actual percentages of my academic classes with yours (the AP’s not including studio art), you are like .5% higher than me on average lol</p>
<p>Okay I am worried that my senior grades will affect my admissions…</p>
<p>Semester 1
AP Literature: A+
AP European History: A
AP Government: A
AP Calculus: C+
Digital Photography: A+</p>
<p>Semester 2 (Predictions)
AP Literature: A
AP European History: A
AP Economics: A-
AP Calculus: B, possibly C (AHH I know it’s bad)
Digital Photography: A</p>
<p>Does anyone think I should drop AP Calculus? Or is that worse than a C?</p>
<p>Nah, you’re fine. Don’t drop Calculus. It really is a hassle to drop a class in the second semester because you have to report it to all your colleges and deal with the shenanigans.</p>