I just finished my first semester of college and I don’t know how but I got a B in my intermediate algebra class. I was pretty sure I was going to get an A, but I didn’t. Would this look bad when I apply for transfer since I’m a aerospace engineering degree?
Bruh, Intermediate Algebra? How do you expect to do in Calculus courses, Physics + Calculus courses, Chemistry + Calculus courses, etc., if you are landing B’s in Intermediate Algebra? Anyways, answering your question, for a Bachelor’s I wouldn’t sweat it, most schools have a 2.5+ GPA requirement to get a Bachelor’s, but if you ever want to go into Grad School, to be competitive, I’d keep my GPA over 3.5.
Well, did you understand the material? I think you’ll need higher-level math for where you’re transferring to to care much (you probably need through Calc III, and you still need trig/precalc before Calc). How far do you plan to go before transfer?
I took Intermediate algebra twice because I got a D the first time due to health problems and a family member passing away but I almost got an A too the second time I took it and am still considering a STEM major. I’m just gonna see how future math classes go before selecting a major. The Pre-Engineering head at my community college says that “you don’t have to have straight A’s in math to do Engineering but if you are getting C’s and D’s in math then that is a red flag”. However there was someone who commented on one of my threads who said he got a C in calculus 1 and knew people who got C’s all calculus classes and Diffrential Equations who got Engineering degrees and are engineers now. If you look at all my threads, I have similar Questions and people still gave me encouragement to pursue STEM.
What College/University are you wanting to transfer to? The University I wanna transfer to has different GPA requirements to transfer into each major. Aerospace Engineering is competitive at that school and requires a minimum of a 3.7 GPA but all the students applying have 4.0 GPAs. Nuclear, Agricultural, and materials engineering only require a 2.5 GPA to transfer into at that school. Civil and Environmental Engineering (the two kinds that interest me) require a 3.0 GPA to transfer into.
I’m looking at ucla, usc, ucsd, cpslo, cpp, ucd, uci, and just for the hell of it, csulb. I just finished my first semester of college and got a 3.58 (got a B+ in math and a B+ in astronomy lab). I know I need at least a 3.8 for my major but I have a lot of semesters to go to try and get at least a 3.8.
Yea everything is extremely easy and understandable. I had no trouble with the material I have no idea how I got a B+ tbh