Grades needed for good CompSci schools?

<p>Hi, I am a junior at an extremely competitive school in Illinois and I am looking to go into computer science for my major. I was just wondering what grades I need for the various tiers of CompSci schools avaiable?</p>

<p>I already do programming, a lot of extracirriculars, and I expect to get upwards of a 32 on my act. My grades have usually been good but I dont know what my Junior year/Senior year grades will look like. I have been usually maintaining a 3.65 UW and 4.55 W, but this year it looks like I will be getting closer to a 3.8 UW and a 4.9 W, I don't really know about senior year since I will be taking 5 APs.</p>

<p>What grades do I need to get into schools like UIUC, UW Seattle, UW Madison, UofM? Any help would be appreciated for any decent CompSci schools.</p>