Grades Vs. Passion

<p>As you should be, dear. As you should be.</p>

<p>...don't worry, I promise I'm the anti-intimidator in real life.</p>

<p>you should come hang out with our band of prefrosh... caltech10 chatroom on AIM (forums at</p>

<p>Feel free to hit me (lizzardfire on AIM) or xhaosessence or JovianPerihelion up to get an invite to the aim chat.</p>

<p>Actually, a cool little trick - as long as you know the name of the chatroom you want to enter, you can just invite yourself. No need to wait around for an invite. ;)</p>

<p>that's what I do... I only put that in case she didn't know how :P</p>

<p>you think I'd rely on other people for my chatroom invasions?</p>

<p>...but thanks.</p>

<p>Kim.. I <3 you. Please don't hurt me.</p>

<p>you see? the boys rationale is already paying dividends.</p>

<p>lol ben... shhh</p>

<p>Dividends? I think not; I'm not getting any useful work out him yet. Just pleas not to be hurt. Dividends soon. ;)</p>

<p>(<3 you too, I mean.)</p>

<p>This is beginning to disturb me. The topic is "Grades Vs. Passion" and the last post I checked was about flierdeke loving lizzardfire.</p>

love is something more than passion, and is CERTAINLY better than any 6.0/4.0 GPA

<p>so i dont mind :)</p>

<p>thanks :) I do think it fits the original topic pretty well.</p>