

I was recently admitted into Cornell’s class of 2020 as a GT. I was thinking about going to Bing for a year and then transferring to Cornell, as per the guaranteed transfer. I wanted to ask, how easy is Cornell. Like, I need to get a 3.5 GPA; Will that be easy at Bing?


Considering that Cornell is a top-tier institution, it will be much more difficult than Binghamton. Of course, if you work hard enough, anything is possible to achieve. As for maintaining that minimum of 3.5 GPA at Binghamton, it is certainly doable and it really depends on the amount of effort you put into school.

Please note that I am only a high school senior who will be attending Binghamton next year and my answer is based on the experiences of my friends who are currently at Binghamton.

I’m in the same situation @verizonwireless . I need to maintain a 3.3. Not too sure how easy that’ll be

Don’t doubt the level of difficulty of Binghamton’s classes. If you were admitted to Cornell, you are clearly very intelligent; I’m sure you are capable of getting good grades while at Binghamton before your transfer. I’m just warning you: Don’t get too comfortable because college is SO much different than high school.

I had the GT offer too. You should be fine but just keep in mind that it probably won’t be as easy as you’ve always had it. I can easily see someone who glided through high school suddenly dropping to a 3.4 when they realized that just “being a good student” isn’t really enough to sustain that.