Grading at Pitt

<p>So does anyone know how grading works here?</p>

<p>In Wagner's chem class, his syllabus says that an 85% is an A, but my lab TA said that stuff is going to be curved.</p>

<p>And then I heard the same type of stuff for a calculus class.</p>

<p>Also, is engineering all curved? </p>

<p>If someone could cover all the bases for grading that would be awesome.</p>


<p>grading is different for every class and subject…</p>

<p>Well no duh sherlock, I was hoping for a response to lead me to a general idea.</p>

<p>Like I know that in Russian Fairy tales you’ll get an A just to be able to read.</p>

<p>Maybe if I narrow my question down: How do science and engineering classes usually grade?</p>

<p>well, usually if no one does well on a test then grades will get curved. it happens a lot more in science and engineering classes.</p>