Grading at Yale

<p>Hey everyone. I was wondering how the grading is at Yale. Is it based on merit or is the argument that "this is Yale" used a lot as a justification for lowering grades? What about claims about grade inflation?</p>

<p>No, the prof. ranks the students based on number of sexual favors performed and then assigns grades accordingly.</p>

<p>But seriously, grading is fair. Are grades inflated? Well, what does grade inflation really mean anyway? Most people aren’t/shouldn’t be getting less than a B/B- in most classes, unless it’s some math or science classes.</p>

<p>It’s fair. Not easy, but not impossible by any means. Most classes have a class average of a B. Some easier ones at a B+, some of the harder weeder science ones at a B- or even C+.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses.
I was just curious to see how it is at Yale. I was going to go to Yale but I ended up going to Princeton. I find that here the grading is similar in principle at least, but professors tend to really love using the “this is Princeton” reasoning as a justification of grading hard rather than grading solely on merit.</p>