<p>For classes that are graded on a curve at Columbia, what grade is usually assigned to the mean?</p>
<p>I can’t speak for Columbia specifically but the average (or often times median)GPA is almost always 2.8-3.2.</p>
<p>Depends on the department and even the class sometimes. Can be anywhere from the C+/B- border (GPA ~ 2.5) to a B+ (GPA = 3.33).</p>
<p>(I have personally had 2 classes do the C+/B- border [engineering])</p>
<p>yeah usually B- to B+ (2.67 to 3.33) is usually the norm. Some classes esp core and like art history have a loose curve around like a 3.5. I’ve heard (but never experienced) horror stories of classes, usually in seas, curving to 2.5 like skraylor describes. That’s just brutal to be honest.</p>
<p>What a worthless post. Not only is it admittedly irrelevant to Columbia, but 2.8 and 3.2 are huge differences… that’s two grades almost.</p>
<p>These are EE or CompEng classes? In terms of not scaring people away, I think such a low curve is pretty unusual in SEAS classes.</p>
<p>And at Columbia – unlike state schools that really weed people out – if you’re stick in classes with tough curves you’re unlikely to get a C/D/F. The prof is likely to give a ton of B’s and B-'s and a good number of C+'s, but isn’t likely to go really low.</p>
<p>My post is slightly misleading since it was one professor who taught 2 classes I took. ChemE/EEE tho.</p>