grading policy

<p>i took E7 last semester, but i messed up in the last two midterms, which constituted 30% of my i ended up getting a D+ in the class =( is D+ a passing grade? if it is, do any of you engineering majors suggest i retake the class, or just move on? thanks for any suggestions, i really appreciate it...i know i should've done better on the midterms, then i could've really passed the class =(</p>

<p>i believe anything under a C- is not passing, in which case you would be able to retake the class and have the new grade replace the old grade, though it would be noted on your transcript. ...have fun with all those labs again...</p>

<p>UC</a> Berkeley Registrar : Grade and Credit Code Definitions</p>

<p>you passed; i think that means you can re-take the class but both grades appear on your transcript with just credit for one... but I'm not sure.</p>