Grading System/Inflation or deflation

<p>Pretty much self explanatory.</p>

<p>Is it A,B,C,D,F or A+,A,A-....(and so on)</p>

<p>Grade inflation or deflation?</p>

<p>There are +s and -s and I haven't heard of a reputation of grade inflation or deflation. Maybe some students will give you a better perspective.</p>

<p>I did two years at FSU then transferred to UM and my GPA suffered some. Part of the problem was that a lot of the work, for core classes, is actually graded by the course Professor and some of them tended to be picky/demanding. Another thing was the +/- system. At FSU a 2.7 was the same as a 3.0 (Bboth were a B and recorded as 3.0). At UM, a 2.7 is recorded as a 2.7, B-. The +/- thing can make a huge difference because at some places, a 3.0 student may actually be a 2.7 student but the grade in the registars office and on your transcript would still be 3.0. At UM a 2.7 student may end up with a 2.7 on their transcript (my GPA is 2.98 and rising btw).</p>