Grading system

<p>I've heard a lot about grade deflation and quota systems for grades at a lot of schools. I was wondering to what extent does that occur at Rice? I'm most interested in the bio and econ departments since I'm still deciding on whether to go on an econ or pre-med track. Basically, do you have to work really hard to come out with a decent GPA?</p>

<p>Yes, you do need to work hard. Why else would Rice be a top 20 school?</p>

<p>However, Rice is not cutthroat like some other schools; it is a very collaborative, chill atmosphere. Although you do have to work hard, I feel the grading is generally fair, and there isn’t much grade deflation (or grade inflation either).</p>

<p>This question has been answered many times; I myself have answered this question multiple times. Use the “search this forum” function to find similar threads.</p>