<p>I am a senior graduating from UC Irvine this spring ( although I will be taking a few summer classes in French to satisfy my school requirements). I expect to graduate with about a 3.3-3.4 GPA, as a Film and Media Studies major (under the school of humanities). However, for graduate school I intend to apply under Environmental Sciences or some other similar field, as alongside film it is a strong passion of mine.</p>
<p>So far I have completed a variety of film studies and film practice courses. I would assume these dont apply much for my application to a science based major?</p>
<p>The other classes I have taken include:
Basic chemistry series (3 classes with lab). ~~ I have A's and B's in this field
Basic Physics sersies (3 classes with lab) ~~All high A's in this field
A few misc Bio / Earth System science classes (for my minor in Global Sustainability). ~~ I have mostly A's and B's in this field</p>
<p>I plan to take the GRE's this summer and hope to do fairly well, I may buy a study book or two and I am usually fairly good with standardized testing.</p>
<p>As for extra curriciulars, I am a photographer for the school newspaper, I have a variety of film work that can be viewed (including one award winning piece), and I participate in a variety of grassroot environmental / sustainable groups on campus. I also participate in some of the film clubs and events on campus.</p>
<p>I currently only have one letter of rec setup with a professor in the Bio Sci department, we seem to have a very good relationship so I think that letter will be my strongest. I know this is rather last minute to be making these connections, but where should I focus my other 2 letters of rec? Should I go to the film professors that I have already made a connection with, or attempt to make a connection with professors more oriented toward my future major?</p>
<p>I also hope to perhaps apply to a film program or two for graduate study, but my main focus is in environmental sciences as I feel I now have enough knowledge to continue my film studies independently. How competitive am I as an applicant? Is the field of Environmental Sciences especially competitive right now? I specifically want to focus on sustainable energy systems (such as underwater tidal generators) or something perhaps to do witih ocean ecology or fermentation.</p>
<p>Sorry for the long read! Thanks</p>