Graduate in three years?

Hello! I was recently accepted into SLU and I was wondering if anyone knows if you can graduate from there in three years because of AP/college credits that you got in high school. Upon graduation I will have taken (i’ll include scores for the tests I’ve taken):
AP Lit - TBD
AP Chem - TBD
AP Gov - TBD
AP Macro - 5
AP Micro - 5
AP Lang - 4
AP US History - 5
AP Psych - 5
And I will have completed two years of Spanish through a local college. I am confident that I will pull at least 4s on US Government and Literature, but honestly AP Chem might go pretty poorly. Do you think it’d be possible to graduate SLU in three years with this coursework? I’m trying to cut down the costs it takes to get a degree.

As long as you meet the requirements for the degree you are interested in, you can graduate in 3 years. SLU has a page giving the course credit for the various exams.

What major are you interested in? I think you will need to map out a schedule to see whether it would be possible for you. Keep in mind that if you change majors, that will likely prevent you from finishing in 3 years.

Okay thank you for the input! I’m planning on majoring in sociology or political science, so I guess choosing one and committing to it before starting school would be helpful.