<p>Does anybody know where/if there's a website or something where I can compare graduate school admissions from different colleges?
In particular NYU vs. Grinnell, I can't seem to get some solid comparison answers. And i know, i'm crazy for deciding between NYU and Grinnell, but no, i'm just a very complicated person and they're both just the most magical schools, but in different ways....</p>
<p>I doubt you’ll find anything like that, but I can almost guarantee you that Grinnell grads are accepted into more and better graduate programs by far.</p>
<p>Grinnell is a top 10 producer of PhDs per student in all universities/colleges in the US. I know NYU is not top 10, and I doubt it is even top 50. Grinnell classes are basically taught as grad school level classes (was told this by both a professor and a student) so students are very prepared for it. Grinnell would be hands down better for doing post grad work imo</p>
<p>This isn’t exactly what you are looking for, but Reed posts admissions per capita, which shows which undergraduate institutions produce more PhD’s (adjusted of course for size). Not surprisingly, LACs, including Grinnell, compare quite well. See [REED</a> COLLEGE PHD PRODUCTIVITY](<a href=“http://www.reed.edu/ir/phd.html]REED”>Doctoral Degree Productivity - Institutional Research - Reed College) and the links from that site.</p>
<p>thanks mfl! tangent to that i found this which is great!
<a href=“http://www.grinnell.edu/offices/institutionalresearch/reports/PhDProd_F06.pdf[/url]”>http://www.grinnell.edu/offices/institutionalresearch/reports/PhDProd_F06.pdf</a></p>
<p>Thanks mcawesome ! Your information is quite useful for me.</p>