Hey everyone. I’m a sophomore. I’ve decided to graduate a year early from high school because I plan on becoming a pharmacist. And that will take 6 years. I plan to attend Purdue University in Indiana for pharmacy and prepharmacy. Nothing you guys will say will change that. Here are the classes I’ve taken so far.
Freshman year prior
- Algebra 1
- Geometry honors
Freshman year
- Algebra 2
- Biology honors
- Health/ ICT
- German 1/ study hall
- Advanced English 9
- Geography
- Gym
Sophomore year
- Advanced English 10
- Ap us history
- Ap human geography
- Acp honors Chem
- Precalc/ trig regular
- Spanish 2
- Ceramics 1/2
Senior year I plan to take these courses.
- AP English 12 or world lit and comp dual credit
- AP Biology
- Anatomy and physiology honors
- AP Stats
- AP Psychology
- Spanish 3 Honors
- AP government / ap macro
Summer before senior year online
- AP English 11
? Personal finance
I’d like to hear your opinions and if you think I’ll be successful especially at purdue college of pharmacy for a pharmd. I’d love to hear your feedback and communicate as I’d like to listen to others. I’ve already spoken with my counselor and she’s okayed and so have my parents. They’ve all said it’s good for me I can’t to hear your opinion.
Also my extracurriculars are Dollars for Scholars History Club and Track. I’ve done and plan to do them for all three years. My GPA after this year will be a 4.2 as weighted from honors and ap classes. At the end of my senior year if I keep this trend it will be a 4.47.
Hope to hear your kind reply.
Do you plan on skipping junior year? You should have a good shot at purdue from what I see.
Yeah I do as I’ll be considered a senior next year and not a junior.
SOMEONE ELSE please reply I’d like some other feedback.
“I plan to attend Purdue University in Indiana for pharmacy and prepharmacy. Nothing you guys will say will change that.”
“I’d like to hear your opinions and if you think I’ll be successful especially at purdue college of pharmacy for a pharmd. I’d love to hear your feedback and communicate as I’d like to listen to others.”
These statements seem contradictory to me. What exactly do you want people to comment on?
Also, there’s not a lot of adults that go on High School Life. Maybe post elsewhere.
Adult here 
Undergraduate problems with your plan
- no physics
- no calculus
- no AP chemistry
- you can’t take AP English over the summer
All of this weakens your application.
Applying for early admissions presupposes you’ve run out of classes to take in highschool. Applying with a strong curriculum for a junior will not cut it.
You will also need more targeted ec 's and more leadership.
I worry that by graduating early you actually get stuck in a dead end - not admitted to Purdue for the major of your choice.
What’s your sat or sat or act score?
What’s your unweighted GPA?
Purdue is a public university… it’s not difficult to get into. Calculus chemistry and physics are definitely not required for admission. Also ap English can beasily taken online and I am not gonna take the test.
I know several who have been accepted into purdue and iu and they have graduated or are graduating early.
Purdue is a top STEM school. Some of its programs are extremely selective. Saying
indicates you don’t really measure what it takes to succeed in college.
Even for students who HAVE taken those classes it’s difficult to succeed at Purdue. Even students who took these classes and got good grades find it hard to pass the freshman year classes. In particular, not having physics is going to be a huge handicap, since (assuming you can even get in) almost everyone else will have had that class and its contents will be assumed by the General Physics instructor.
@purpleTitan will be able to explain as someone who’s in the industry.
@MYOS1634, I’m not in pharmacy, but I agree that trying to enter pharmacy without taking as much science and math as you could in HS does not sound like a smart decision.
Thanks for your info. I have recently looked onto the purdue pre pharm prerequisites and those are the same as general freshman. It says two of those semesters must be biology and chemistry which I have already taken. It doesn’t specify any other science courses. And all other requirements I will have filled by the time I graduate. I am excellent at math amd science as I have always received pass plusses on Istep and ecas.
I appreciate your responses and hope to your reply. Also do you guys know any purdue pre pharm students?
I will replace anatomy and physiology honors with ap physics 1. I forgot to mention that we are on a block schedule with 4 classes on one day and 3 classes plus study hall for everyone on another day.
That’s great. AP physics 1 will really help.
Most admitted students will have done more than the minimum required. You want to be competitive.
It’s possible. I have a friend who graduated in two years.
(She’s a pro rock climber. She graduated in two years so she could go out and climb professionally and is doing rather well.)
Seeing as pharmacy requires quite a bit more academic study than pro climbing, you may not be as successful with your plans to graduate early.
Seriously, though, listen to what the other people have said. Take AP Chem! Take calculus! High school is a time to explore interests. Keep an open mind! (Pretend everything I’ve said doesn’t sound like something from a cat poster!)
I too am a sophomore planning to graduate in three years (and considering IU/Purdue to boot)! We seem to have a lot in common.
I have a close friend who graduated early, went to Vassar, and… was miserable! He wasn’t ready for college life and spent a long time adjusting. Do you feel mature enough to be successful at university?
It’s not an easy question (and one I’m still grappling with), but at least we’ve got some time.
I do feel that I am mature enough to graduate early. Most of my classmates act very immature and I am way more mature then them. I feel that if something is worth it there’s gonna be some amount of struggle. I am doing well in all of courses and plan to try hard to get the best grades. I feel that I will be do well in university although I have no clue as I havent attended one. I plan to do prepharm and then go into pharmacy and get a PharmD.
bias: texas college student
Besides the pre-pharmacy forum is inactive, I’ve met pre-pharmacy students who took same courses as you in high school. ACP honors chem, AP english, AP bio, anatomy/physiology honors, AP stats, and AP macro are topics I’ve seen in pre-pharmacy pre-reqs.
Now success at Purdue is a completely different story. While high school grades can be predictive factors to college success, studying in college is a different realm. I know a girl who took every AP class offered at her school and failed her first round of exams. There’s a guy who ended freshman year with a 2.5 GPA; his perseverance to improve himself eventually lead to being accepted to his first choice pharmacy school.
I hope you keep your “if something is worth it, there’s gonna be some struggle… plan to try hard to get the best grade” mindset.