Graduation stuff

So, I was super busy with graduate school applications for last couple weeks that i completely forgot about graduation. I did apply for the graduation, but I am yet to get any regalia stuff. Do yall know any inexpensive, good stores that sell regalia and/or take graduation photo? Someone told me that the photo taken at practice facility is expensive and of poor quality, and supestore is, well, expensive as well.

Or, can I just not attend graudation? It’s not mandatory, soo…

I think it would be a shame not to have your graduation day after all the hard work you’ve put in. Presumably you’ve already paid the graduation fee. The regalia from the Supe Store isn’t too expensive at $44.95 for bachelor cap and gown plus another $10 for tassel. You could skip buying the photos and take your own pictures in the quad after the graduation ceremony.

oh that’s not expensive at all! I was expectin 200$ lol. Supestore is notorious.

Do a search on the Student Ticket Exchange Facebook page - lots of options mentioned there for grad photos and probably the regalia. Agree with @AlbionGirl that you earned it and should enjoy the honor.