Graduation tomorrow!

Thanks for all the super fun times. This might be my last CC post.

When I started this journey over 4 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. He was my oldest kid. I found this forum to be incredibly helpful. Also met some very nice people, including a couple of friends for life, terrytw and Class2012Mom.

I recognize that I rubbed some people the wrong way, and yes, it was mostly intentional. m2ck, I apologize for provoking you.

For those who are going to graduation, if you see me on the street, holler.

Geaux Tigers.

Congratulations to your graduate!
Roll Tide

Congratulations Slippy. (We started at the same time so I remember one of your very first posts that was highlighted on top for a very long time.) Great to have graduates!


Sorry to have missed you, Slippy. We were at the Friday night graduation. Congratulations to your boy!

Congratulations, friend for life! <3

recognize that I rubbed some people the wrong way, and yes, it was mostly intentional. m2ck, I apologize for provoking you.

No harm, no foul. Bama won two national championships while your son was at Bama, Actually a 3rd if you count his application year. Certainly provided memories that he’ll take with him forever.

Roll Tide! and, congratulations to your son. Well done!

I finally saw this post. It has been an honor to be considered a friend of Slippy2000. I am sure we are probably the first people who met on this site who actually shared a hotel room for a football game. I won’t divulge details! I have hung on the strip and drank with him and his wife, met his parents, his other son, and his son and mine were roommates for four years. I’m actually sad our son’s ride is over, but on to better things I guess. I am sure we will meet again.

On a disappointing note, I was a little surprised how empty their graduation on Saturday was by the end. A large majority of students left as soon as they walked up to the podium and received their Diploma. They missed a good speech by Alumni Director about the meaning of being an Alabama alumni for life and the ties you can make as an alumni. You would think a school with such great school spirit would have had a full crowd even at the end. As a Northerner, I was glad that we stayed for the end since it did have a special meaning for him.

Congrats to all here. @TerryTw Been a long time, congrats to the family. What are your son’s plans?

Congrats to you and your son also. It sounds like he has taken advantage of all the opportunities Alabama offers and ran with it. My son will start a paid internship at Northwell LIJ next week. He is looking to build up more research experience for a year before going to grad school. He will be looking to get into a Ph’d program next year in Clinical Psychology. It’s not easy to get into these 5 year programs and he needs to focus on more resume experience and the entrance exam. He has a long road ahead but these programs pay stipends and some living expenses. I assume he will have a couple of years subsiding on Ramen Noodles.

I assume your son will have no problem finding employment if he has not already with that engineering degree. Is he coming back North or staying South?

Ramen is underrated, fueling grad students for years. NSLIJ is great on a resume. My son will be working at Boeing in St. Louis.