<p>Is going to your college graduation worth it? Do you plan to go to yours?</p>
<p>I attend a small college where all 350 members of the graduating class walk over the stage individually, with several social events before and after the actual graduation ceremony. It’s a great time to say goodbye to friends and professors (who have to be there!) So yes, I plan to attend mine.</p>
<p>my mom would kill me if I didnt go! we have 2 ceremonies because our school is pretty big, but I’ll def be there! (mine is in may btw)</p>
<p>BC has individual ceremonies for each undergraduate school on the same day. Hell yes, it’s worth it.</p>
<p>All this money spent, I’ll be damned if I miss it.</p>
<p>Your parents paid for college so don’t you think they deserve some photos?</p>
<p>I think college graduation is a waste of time. The idea of celebrating your graduation, kind of means that you atleast thought it wouldn’t happen and it was not expected of you. If you were expected to graduate, then why celebrate. Its like celebrating when a kid is able to walk, Its expected, unless the child is handicapped.</p>
<p>Do you not celebrate birthdays? Seriously?</p>
<p>Well no. Ive actually never gotten a birthday party of present before.</p>
<p>I’m sorry no one loves you Horse.</p>
<p>I’ll be attending my college’s graduation, but not university.</p>
<p>Isn’t it everybody’s dream to wear a black graduation gown? To me, yes it is… </p>
<p>College graduation is one of the most memorial events that need to be celebrated with parents. For your parents to see you graduate and hold a diploma. Oh come on! After four years of hard work in college, it needs to be celebrated! High school isn’t really that important, but college graduation and grad school graduation is…</p>
<p>Dr.Horse, maybe you’re just not into celebrating things… there are once in a life time things. Btw, not everybody can graduate from college, or let’s say on time. College is difficult, cost a lot of money, and etc. so not every college students are “expected” or can graduate.</p>
<p>I’ve never understood why people get worked up about going…it’s what, 4 hours of your life? What else are you going to do during that time that’s so much more meaningful than a once in a lifetime event?</p>
<p>I mean, I was kind of still drunk at my 9:30-in-the-morning-on-a-Saturday event, and was pretty miserable with a hangover midway through the ceremony. I really just was wishing I had a bloody mary and a sandwich. What would I have possibly done with that time if I hadn’t gone? And I’m someone who went around saying that College Commencement would be the saddest moment of my life (which so far it has). </p>
<p>If you have to pack to move for a job (which in this economy, congratulations) or for the military or to catch a flight because your sister is having her first baby or some other important milestone, I can understand the conflict and would say other things are more important…but if you are trying to get out of it just because you know it’s going to be boring, I don’t find that a legitimate reason and think you should just go.</p>
<p>price could be a big option also. My U charged $400 for you to go and it was a public school.</p>
<p>seriously?? My school just charges a “$20 graduation fee” (which I guess is for like administrative costs and printing your actual diploma) and also, you have to rent your cap and gown through the school which is $22…</p>
<p>i would go. attending graduation ceremony is a pretty good way to say farewell to your care-free college life…record this memorable moment, worth it!</p>
<p>While my college’s general graduation was fairly dull (even with Bill Cosby being our speaker), my department had a really great ceremony and reception afterward. They called up each student one at a time, gave a brief bio, and gave us our diploma there.</p>
<p>It was also nice to have family come and visit me at school for once, to show them around the labs I worked in, and have them meet all of the people I had been spending so many hours with.</p>