<p>In the past, the small nation had been committedto self managed socialism, a system under which the workers , rather than the state ,owns most enterprises.</p>
<p>i m not able to find an error in this sentence. pls help guys........</p>
<p>In the past, the small nation had been committedto self managed socialism, a system under which the workers , rather than the state ,owns most enterprises.</p>
<p>i m not able to find an error in this sentence. pls help guys........</p>
<p>Often times youl c sat writing multiple choice try to screw you over by adding lots of describers. just remember 2 look for agreement errors, cuz those are rrly common.</p>
<p><<the workers="">></the></p>
<p>what do the workers do?</p>
<p>they <<owns>></owns></p>
<p>if you’re a native speaker that shud intuitively sound rrly weird 2 u</p>
<p>plural subject->no “s” ending
singular subject-> “s” ending</p>
<p>it shouldn’t be “owns” because “the workers” (plural) are doing the owning
it should be “own”</p>
<p>Correct sentence:
In the past, the small nation had been committed to self managed socialism, a system under which the workers, rather than the state, <own> most enterprises.</own></p>
<p>yeah, i got my mistake. thanks by the way… :)</p>
<p>always cut off clause surrounded by comma. it becomes extremely easy to spot errors then.</p>