Grand Valley State University Nursing

Does anyone have any information for what the BSN program is like at GVSU? I’m planning on applying as a high school direct entry nursing student for Fall 2019. I am an OOS and I don’t plan on living in Michigan after graduation, so I was wondering if the program is well known throughout the rest of the country. Thanks!

Is there a lack of direct entry programs closer to where you live? Is there something about GVSU that makes it better than anything in your state?

I don’t know anything about the program (I live in Ohio and have never heard of the college).

There are a fair number of programs in my state (Virginia), but I also wanted to apply to lower priced out of state options that are not in the south.

There is a direct-entry list in the forum that might help. Ohio has a good number of programs, as does Pennsylvania.

Please note that it was recently confirmed that Ohio State is no longer direct admit for anyone (I can’t remember if the list has been updated to reflect that).

D had a few friends from high school who attend at GVSU. I looked into it for S because of its affordability. It’s a big commuter school so not a lot of activity on weekends but nice campus. Both families are happy there. Not what S was looking for. But you might like it. Don’t know anything about their nursing program.

D went direct admit to Lewis University for nursing. Small private college but generous merit scholarship makes it close in price to what GVSU is advertising. Chose it because of all nursing schools we looked at it is the only one that starts clinical rotations 4th semester (when a lot of students are applying for university nursing that didn’t get direct admit). More clinical rotations and in suburb of Chicago so have access to do clinicals at some of the major teaching hospitals as well as smaller suburban hospitals, the VA hospital and low income communities. May not be a fit for you but worth looking at.