GRE Cumulative Percentile on USC's Application

<p>I'm finishing up USC's online app looking to get into their EE master's program. They have two fields asking for best cumulative GRE score and percentile. I figured that the cumulative score is just verbal + quant, but I'm not sure what to put down for a combined percentile. It seems like it'd be inaccurate to just average the verbal and quant percentiles since they're, well, percentiles.</p>

<p>Has anyone else filled out this section of the application, and is there something I'm overlooking?</p>

<p>I filled out this application already.</p>

<p>I received a 99% and 90% for V and Q scores. I did a lot of web research on ets’s website and other GRE websites. I found that my cumulative combined score (1540) is in the 99th percentile. It is not an average of the two, nor is it one or the other.</p>

<p>There is some way to calculate it, I’m not sure how though. I would call ETS at the very least if you are unsure.</p>

<p>Hope this helps.</p>