<p>I'm applying to some PhD programs in History this fall and one program I'm considering does not require GRE scores. Nevertheless, they will accept scores from applicants. I have yet to take the new GRE (my old scores have expired (770V;660 Q)) and I don't know how I'll perform under the revised format. Should I submit my scores, even if they are not required? Might the GRE factor into admissions decisions for this program? Funding and admission are, from what I can tell, basically inseparable; if you are let in, you will be funded.</p>
<p>I contacted the Grad Admissions contact for this program and requested some clarification on this issue; over a week later and I have yet to hear anything back. I trust they are likely swamped due to the beginning of the school term, but in the event that I fail to get a response, I figured I should ask here.</p>
<p>On a related note, even if a program claims that they do not look at the Quantitative score, do they still see it? I'm not even sure I'll tank that part, but if I do, I wonder to what extent a bad score on that section will impact my chances to get accepted into a department that supposedly does not factor Quant scores into admissions decisions. Does anyone know how this works? Same goes for the essay portion, although I'm less concerned about that.</p>
<p>Finally, I've been told that I have a pretty strong application; my thesis, which is in the process of being turned into a journal article, some teaching experience, and some great letters of rec. from professors who know - and are on good terms with - faculty in some of the departments to which I am applying. Now, I know there are no guarantees in life, but with all of those things going for me, how might a bad GRE scores drag me down?</p>