<p>Well, I took the test and received my results. I have to say...damn. I did not do as well as I had thought, which is annoying.</p>
<p>Now, it is worth noting, I have missed almost all of high school, and a lot of primary school, so missed out on alot of foundational knowledge, which I feel affected my score.</p>
<p>The first time I took the test, I received 380 for Quantative, 510 for verbal, and 4.5 for analytical. This time I received 480 for quantative, 490 for verbal(worse..somehow), and 6 for analytical.</p>
<p>Now, I have a Bachelors in IT, which I did dreadful on. I have a 2.96 GPA on a scale of 7. </p>
<p>Using the scale here: Percentage</a> To GPA Conversion</p>
<p>It seems my US GPA would be 2.50 or slightly less. Which is not so good....</p>
<p>In addition to this I have a Masters in IT which I did much better on, and half of it was research for a minor thesis, which I also did quite well on.</p>
<p>I would think my US GPA for my masters would be 3.50 or close to.</p>
<p>I am currently studying a masters in ancient history, with one semester left to go. My current GPA would be around 3.00, however I will do a small research project for my final semester, and expect this to be around 3.50</p>
<p>I have substantial work experience, and have traveled the world by myself, working and learning. I have been to over 30 countries being self sufficient, and have seen much of what the world has to offer.</p>
<p>I am in the process of gathering investors to incorporate my business in the US, which is based on idea from the research in my masters thesis.</p>
<p>The reason I raise these last two points, is because I would to know if they can affect my chances at all. I think they are positive points, which may add more weight to my application in light of my poor GRE scores.</p>
<p>Ideally, my goal is to study at a university in NY, either NYU or Columbia. </p>
<p>I would like to do a PhD, but would happily do a masters again to be able to progress to the PhD program. The areas I would like to continue in are computer science or ancient history. I would be happy to do either, and my application would depend on what I had the best chances for.</p>
<p>Given my poor GRE scores, but the fact that I have substantial world and business experience, a fantastic analytical writing score, glowing letters of recommendation from my employers(not a single academic reference...a lot of my lecturers have never even met me physically) and have a decent GPA in two masters degrees..and a rather poor GPA in my bachelors...how are my chances?</p>
<p>What could I do to flesh out my application and make myself stand out as capable despite the shortcomings of my situation?</p>