Great news about UW budget

<p>The long stalled state budget may be near finalization and the UW looks to come out with a nice big increase. From the Milwaukee Journal</p>

<p>"Republicans this week made a budget offer that matched or nearly matched Doyle's spending requests for public education, the University of Wisconsin System and state employee wages and benefits, a new memo shows."</p>

<p>Budget deal finalized, finally. Looks decent to good for uW.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The final numbers</p>

<p>UNIVERSITY: The University of Wisconsin System will receive a funding increase of $159 million, which is $21 million short of what Doyle and the system wanted. Republicans wanted to spend $120 million less. The new money will allow some campuses to expand enrollment and research programs.
FINANCIAL AID: A $32 million increase in financial aid for low-income students over two years. Includes an additional $12 million to pay for a free tuition benefit for Wisconsin veterans.</p>

<p>For UW Madison</p>

<p>An estimated $62 million increase for UW-Madison to cover rising salaries and utilities, growth in nursing and teaching programs, and a fund to retain talented professors.</p>

<p>•$253 million in building projects for UW-Madison, including replacing Union South and renovating Memorial Union's Theatre Wing.</p>

<p>•An increase of 488 new state jobs, mostly at UW-Hospital and in the state corrections system. That brings the state to a total of 68,027 jobs, just 65 fewer than the state had in 2003 when Doyle took office and slashed state jobs to solve a huge budget shortfall.</p>

<p>Statement from Chancellor John D. Wiley on the biennial budget agreement
Oct. 24, 2007</p>

<p>“I want to applaud Gov. Jim Doyle, the Democrats in the Senate and Assembly, and the Republicans in both houses who worked hard to bring these deliberations to a conclusion. </p>

<p>I appreciate those who value higher education and who truly believe in the art of compromise. I also want to thank the thousands of students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends who advocated tirelessly on our behalf. </p>

<p>This budget contains major victories for the university in student financial aid, faculty retention and the capital budget. Most importantly, this budget reverses a six-year trend of significant reductions in state support, and reflects agreement among far-sighted Democrats and Republicans on the importance this university holds for the people of the state. </p>

<p>We will continue to do the very best we can to serve the needs and interests of Wisconsin.”</p>