<p>If I get only 190-210 on the PSAT (Commended or not even), but I then get a 2200+ on the SAT, would colleges not care too much about the lack of performance on the PSAT?</p>
<p>In other words, if you do an excellent job on the SAT (2200+), would colleges sort of overlook the PSAT?</p>
<p>I know colleges dont see your PSAT score on the collegeboard thing they send them</p>
<p>However, my idiot school puts the PSAT on transcripts…does anyone else have that situation? In that case, will they actually look at the PSAT score and see that I didnt do so well (like when they compare it to SAT so they will assume i just got lucky on the SAT).</p>
<p>because i think (i havent gotten it back yet) I did worse this year on PSAT than last year (or about the same) so colleges might think I was lazy or something that I didnt improve (and they will see both years scores on transcripts)</p>
<p>i really don’t think they’ll care…first of all, its unfair to take your scores into account when they have scores from very few other applicants…second of all, they probably know that the curve is harsher on the psats (many people i know improved from the psats to the sats–even hundreds of points)</p>