
<p>Every hour I am reading new posts on CC from distraught students, and frantic parents regarding college acceptances, rejections, and financial aid/merit aid. Every hour I am more grateful to everyone on this board (and CC in general) who helped educate my family and my son about options, cost, FAFSA, CSS and how this crazy system really works. </p>

<p>One year ago, I would never have imagined my son going to UA. Mostly because I knew nothing about it, and it was so far from home! Now, I can’t imagine him anywhere else. </p>

<p>I am blessed, lucky, grateful…and a number of other terms that describe my feelings towards the info I have learned and the hard knocks I helped my son avoid by being part of CC. Especialy the UA CC Forum/community. </p>

<p>CC get’s it negative press, and I do understand why. But used properly, what a resource. </p>

<p>So once again, I want to say thanks to everyone for answering my never ending questions, providing guidance, and cheering us along this process. </p>

<p>I am so happy I only have one kid to do this with!</p>

<p>Thanks Batllo…I knew it looked wrong.</p>

<p>Very sweet! The world could certainly use more gracious people.</p>

<p>I second you, vlines! </p>

<p>CC can make you anxious, but the Alabama forum is unlike any other forum I’ve visited in regards to helpfulness and friendliness. It brought UA to life for us.</p>

<p>Grateful…and greatful… (full of great people) ;)</p>

<p>I’m with you, Vlines. Without CC we would not have found Bama. Two years in - still pinching ourselves :)</p>

<p>It’s always a pleasure to welcome new members to our friendly little, but growing, corner of CC and it’s even more exciting when they or their children choose to attend UA.</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>

<p>Lots of gratitude here, too. I’ve found so much helpful information, and so many nice people, on this forum. Every time I post a question or concern I get a lot of information and support, or people reach out with PMs and offers of help or additional information. I haven’t experienced that anywhere else on CC, but this Alabama forum is the best. And my D hasn’t even gotten to Bama yet!!</p>

<p>Add me to the list of people grateful to find this forum! My D just made it official and accepted her scholarship. We have plane tickets booked for August. This is all getting real and I would probably be so much more stressed about moving her across the country if it weren’t for all the helpful advice given here.</p>

<p>Ditto & Roll Tide</p>

<p>Frankly, we would not have considered UA without the information, encouragement, and support from CC UA. While many have been helpful with their input, mom2 and SEA_tide have been particularly generous with sharing their time and knowledge with others. I can only hope to pay it forward. RTR!</p>

<p>Ditto Sophocles!</p>

<p>I’m so grateful too. When S1 became a NMF 2 years ago, his guidance counselor was no help. I was lucky to find CC and it helped me understand the process, and he is going to another school with a nice scholarship. I kept looking/reading and discovered what a great school and opportunity UA is so when S2 became a NMSF I made him apply. After visiting the school, he is definitely considering attending. (Its between UA and a school closer to home which offers a good, although not as generous as UA, NMF scholarship.) I am grateful for CC and the helpful posters. I am also grateful for schools like UA who give scholarships to academically talented students.</p>

<p>I totally agree with all of this. Blessings to all the helpful people on this board.</p>

<p>As someone currently completing my freshman year, I can say with confidence that CC and the people on here have drastically changed my life for the better. If it weren’t for this forum, I can guarantee that I would be at Boston College, $40,000 in debt, and freezing my butt off right about now. I am forever grateful and indebted to CC. :)</p>

Our family concurs!
It’s a wonderful place with an amazing staff and incredibly intelligent students all with warm southern graciousness!</p>

<p>I was the crazy Northern mom who was stressing about how her D could possibly fit in ‘down South’. M2CK convinced me to take D down just to see the school and tour the Honors Program…That was last June and we have not looked back since!</p>

<p>D has 'Bama pillow pet, rug and a nice collection of T-s that we cannot wait to start adding to.
Last night D and I spent an hour rejecting her 8 other offers from top schools. Gotta admit that is was sort of fun to say…nope going to 'Bama!</p>

<p>My sincerest thanks to M2CK, SeaTides and NJBama, where ever he may be…without your patience and support (and willingness to answer all of our questions) we never would have considered 'Bama. Now we cannot imagine going anyplace else.</p>

<p>Counting down to August! Roll Tide Roll!</p>

<p>I so agree with you vline! My family is so grateful for the wonderful information we have found on this site. A year ago, we knew nothing about Alabama. Thanks to this site, the great Bama Honors staff, and the generous NMF scholarship offer, we started seriously investigating Bama and now my D is counting down the days until she begins her college life at the University of Alabama! Roll Tide! Yes, we too are pinching ourselves!</p>

<p>I Ditto all of it!!! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>As a mom of a student finishing his second year, I can say that your students will thrive and become the confident young men and women that you envision them to be.</p>