<p>first off, if you rush, you are not guaranteed a chance to pledge, and less so with a fraternity that you like, however, if you do get a chance to pledge the fraternity of your choice:</p>
<p>it will indeed take up your time… not all of it, but a significant amount of time is spent doing activities, getting to know you pledgeclass, and the older guys in the house… you will most likely have chores and maybe some hazing(depends on where u are i guess)…
one of my pledgebrothers who is a complete crazy party guy, also managed to keep up his 3.85 GPA in one of the top and hardest engineering programs in the country… i heard the curve is something like a 2.0 average for those classes, so he did VERY well, and he did this without missing out on any activities, and quite frankly, partying more than most of us… so at a certain point, it all comes down to how well you plan your time, and how effective you are at using the time you have…</p>
<p>if you spend lets say, 20 hours/week at the house, then you need to spend a larger amount of your free time studying, and not hanging out with your ‘new bros’, and also you will have limited time hanging out with your friends from before… each day has 24 hours, its up to you to decide how you use them…</p>
<p>HOWEVER, it is important to remember that just because you pledge, you are not bound to going the whole semester through… if you feel that it is ruining your academic performance, or hurting you in any other way, you can of course drop out of pledging… if it is something you really want to try, i think a good idea would be to check it out, go to rush and talk to the people, and have your concerns in mind, and ask… many houses will be happy to have a pledge who actually takes schoolwork seriously, you are there for college after all… and good academics helps the house out
and if you get a bid for pledging, then feel it out, see if its for you or not!</p>
<p>if you really want to know, but you never do it, i feel you may well regret it for the rest of your life, because u only really have college to know what its like… and it may well give you some amazing contacts that may help you out tremendously with med school(especially alumni)… :)</p>