Greek Life

<p>As a Midwestern girl whose college didn’t even have a Greek system this modern day segregation blows me away! It just gives me a sick feeling inside. I hope it is not indicative of the rest of the school.</p>

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<p>Greeks make up 20% of the student body. And blacks and whites interact and get along as well as on any other campus in the country.</p>

<p>Just because the greek system is segregated by choice does not necessarily make the members racist. Black greeks and white greeks get along great. It’s usually the GDI’s that stir up the trouble.</p>

<p>What does GDI mean again?</p>

<p>In polite company it is gosh darned independent . . .</p>



<p>I am a caucasian who grew up in a liberal part of Los Angeles, did my undergraduate work at the ostensibly ultraliberal U.C. Berkeley, attended grad school at Michigan State, and now live in very liberal Hawaii. </p>

<p>Nevertheless, as I’ve posted before, the interactions I’ve had with African-Americans at UA, and have witnessed between whites and blacks at UA (including those I’ve observed with my son, a freshman at UA), have been the most comfortable, friendliest, least awkward, and most natural I’ve experienced anywhere.</p>

<p>timeflew, I’m sure you weren’t the only one on here worrying and wondering whether I’d answer with the “polite” version of GDI :-)</p>

<p>Are the top country clubs in Tuscaloosa all white too, or is this just the fraternities?</p>

<p>lol The fraternities are no more all white than they are all black. Both white and black fraternities and sororities united together and told the former administration to butt out of their business when they talked about forcing them to mix. </p>

<p>There is absolutely no animosity or friction between white and black fraternities on campus. The only one’s complaining about things are the GDI’s who think who others choose to hang out with is their concern.</p>

<p>Racism is no more evident or prevalent at UA then it is at Penn St, Michigan, Ohio St, Notre Dame, Harvard or Yale. Anyone that insinuates otherwise is showing their ignorance and is guilty of the same stereotyping and prejudices they’re complaining about.</p>

<p>But to answer your specific question. NO, the country clubs in Tuscaloosa are not all white.</p>


From what I have seen of other colleges, I completely agree with this. I visited one of the schools you mentioned recently, and while at a frat, was hastily told by a few members that they would never let a black guy into their frat. They continued to make racist comments and use the “n” word, and my friends who attend this school let me know that that sort of behavior/comment is completely normal there. I had been previously concerned about attending school in the south and the racism that would might occur, but that settled my worries by confirming that it is no more prevalent in the south than anywhere else.</p>

<p>I think we all need to understand that unfortunately, across this country, on campuses, students do tend to “group together” by race/ethnic group. It’s not because of racism, there are other reasons for it. </p>

<p>And, it does NOT mean that these groups are mean to each other or anything like that. </p>

<p>And…it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any socializing between groups…AND…it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any dating between groups </p>

<p>Kids often just prefer to socialize with their own ethnic groups…that’s why campuses will have Hispanic groups, Asian groups, Jewish groups, African American groups.</p>

<p>There been much wriiten about this …even at the UCs in California…</p>

<p>There’s a book… Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria</p>

<p>This isn’t a book about southern schools…it is addressing a nationwide issue.</p>

<p>The author explains that kids “group together” to affirm their ethnic heritage.</p>

<p>[</a> why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria](<a href=“]”></p>


To some extent the Admin is guilty of this as well. However what everyone fails to take into consideration is that it’s not easy to force segretation. As mom2collegekids pointed out, the issue is often that kids of a certain race wish to hang out with those of their own race. </p>

<p>You can see a classic example of this just by looking at last year’s Panhellenic Recruitment numbers which were typical of any year. 1500+ women participated in Formal Recruitment, yet only 3 were African American. That equals <.2% of the entire candidate pool. With numbers like that, is it any wonder that the system isn’t integrated?</p>