Greek Life?

<p>Can anyone tell me about sorority life there? Costs? Reputation/attitude?</p>

<p>what is asu’s ranking?</p>

<p>Sorority life at UA is huge. It seems to make up roughly 50 percent of the population (though I’m sure that’s an exaggeration). Costs can equal tuition on a semester basis. Though we are heavily sorority based, we are not known for being a “party school” like ASU (I went there, as well).
I know it’s not much, but I hope it helps!</p>

<p>13% of students are involved in Greek Life at the University of Arizona. The sororities live in beautiful houses all together on campus. There are 12 Chapters with Alpha Chi Omega recolonizing their chapter there after a break. Recruitment is very competitive with around 1,000 girls going through. Here is a link to what each individual Chapter cost. Remember it is not comparing apples to apples they all include different things. In the end they should all cost around the same total. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Like any other organization reputations will vary. Heck they vary from school to school. What I can tell you is that grades are important and typically Sorority Women have a better GPA then the all women campus GPA. They also tend to be heavily involved on campus.</p>

<p>To through recruitment and check it out. If nothing else you will meet some new friends.</p>