<p>I am a senior and i plan on atttending UNC chapel hill next fall. Ive been thnking about pledging a sorority but im not sure which one is the best .... i was wondering if anyone knew the reps of the diff houses at unc and could help me out.....
Thx in advance
<p>why don’t you ask on the unc board?
btw, it’s probably not a good idea to join a sorority your first year on campus</p>
<p>greek life = paying for friends </p>
<p>join a sport instead!!! its better and u dont get hazed. good luck</p>
<p>wow guys, great advice, I bet it’s based on your vast experience as members of the greek community.</p>
<p>blondee, I said in your other thread that you should take this to greekchat.com where people who actually know what they’re talking about will be responding to your posts.</p>
<p>optic, being a member of a greek house can often serve to assist the transition into college. You will have access to many upperclassmen who are just waiting to help you. UNC is a pretty big school. If you are coming from a smaller high school, the community that the sorority can offer you will help you feel at home among so many people.</p>
<p>A milli, last time I checked, I had to be given a bid to join my house before I gave them any money. I guess you and your friends don’t ever spend any money together, but I don’t see how paying dues up front is any different than how most people interact with their friends. Sure, half of it goes to our national which covers our insurance, subscription to the national magazine, subsidies for national and regional conventions etc, but the other half is spent on things like food during football games, IM registration fees, movie tickets, mini golf, laser tag, paintball, etc. Just because one of our friends was elected at the beginning of the semester to plan fun activites and use our own money on us doesn’t mean we paid for our friends. Many non-greek groups on campus also charge their members dues. Are they paying for their friends as well?</p>
<p>Yes, there are some chapters that haze, however those chapters will be shut down by their national office (it’s not a matter of if they’ll got caught, it’s a matter of when) because hazing is not tolerated in the greek system. In addition, in my experience, sports teams haze much, much harder than Greeks.</p>
<p>Thx so much!!! I was actually sort of worried about the hazing but most of my friends that are now greek say its not that bad…</p>
<p>I’m greek and I wasn’t hazed once…actually the complete opposite I was showered with gifts! Hazing has decreased drastically, at least in sororities, because of all the scandals that have happened and the trouble that chapters can get into if theyre caught…its not worth it.</p>