Greek, like literally

I would like to go to one of the following schools:</p>

<p>Penn State
University of Pittsburgh
DeSales University
Mercyhurst College
Philadelphia University
West Chester University of Pennsylvania</p>

<p>*These colleges follow a general trend of where I would like to go.</p>

<p>My H.S. gpa is 3.95 uw3.44</p>

<p>SAT r:640 m:620 w:570 (will improve writing on June 7th)</p>

<p>When I say Greek, I mean that both of my parents are from Greece. I was born here, but I speak the language and visit when possible. My extracurriculars, other than backyard sports, are Greek Dance at my church, and I play the Greek Bouzouki (google it). This summer I will be doing volunteer work at my local hospital.</p>

<p>As for recommendations, all of my teachers like me a lot. So I think I will be OK with that.</p>

<p>If anyone can enlighten me, does being Greek, the way I am, make a difference in admissions? Because if you look at it from the broad perspective you will see that we are one of the smallest, but assimilating, minorities. I feel that having white skin shouldn't automatically classify me with white people.</p>

<p>i know what u mean im persian but classified as white both my parents were born and raised in iran till they moved here when i was 2 but i think u can get into a good chunk of those schools</p>

<p>Thanks, it helps to know i'm not alone.</p>

<p>Anymore comments anyone?</p>

<p>Writing great essays about interesting aspects of your life as a Greek American is what will help you.</p>

<p>konto77: You're definitely not considered a minority and there is no advantage to being Greek</p>

<p>DocT, I appreciate your candor, but i think that MidwestMom2Kids_'s mention about the essays is where the advantage might come in to play.</p>

<p>just kidding...
being Greek adds to your cultural background</p>

<p>Konto77: On a more serious note: being caucasian, it will be difficult for you to distinguish yourself from others. Most people do not realize how culturally distinct Greeks are. Perhaps the fact that you are Orthodox can be tied into an essay to stress your background. Unfortunately, xenei don't understand how different that is from other faiths. If you play the bouzouki in a band that performs at church functions or to raise money for charities, that may make a good essay highlighting your cultural background. All in all, it will be difficult.</p>

<p>me too
haha :p</p>