Grinnell Athletic pull?

Hi, I was wondering if people had some insight on Grinnell and if they had success in terms of recruiting? I passed pre-read with positive words, but was wondering if anyone knows of the coaches here being misleading as at Haverford for certain sports. I know it’s never a guarantee, it’s just for certain schools coaches have history of misleading athletes and I wanted to take good precautions here. Thanks

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All you can do is understand what the coach is saying and ask questions. There is a level of trust in the process, and the uncertainty that can go with that.

You want to hear things like you are being offered a ‘slot’, and/or you have the coach’s full support thru the admissions process. Ask the coach what proportion of athletes with a positive pre-read and the same level of support have been accepted in past years. Unfortunately, any D3 coach cannot guarantee admission.

Good luck.


Hi, thanks for the info. I was aware of what I should listen out for, more specifically I am wondering if people could share their own or others experiences having the coach be truthful, or if the coaches can be slightly manipulative and they don’t mean what they say? Again, some colleges are known for doing that, and I was wondering if anyone could share if Grinnell was one of them.

you probably won’t find that out, ask the coach directly, how many people with the amount of support you’re giving me have gotten in. if they want you bad enough to give you a spot, it isn’t in their best interest to lie to you about how many athletes have gotten in with their spots, most coaches will be pretty transparent about this

Our experience was the exact opposite of the Haverford experience you refer to, but that is just one data point.

Once my son showed considerable interest in Grinnell, his Grinnell coach coordinated with admissions early on in the process and my son received a “letter of admissibility”(or something along those lines) from admissions prior to his applying ED, which gave us a lot of comfort (but not certainty) he would be admitted if he applied ED. The coach was up front that no admissions help could be provided if he did not apply ED, but we were certainly under the impression after receiving the letter from admissions and after being told that the coach could help with admissions if he applied ED that he would very likely be accepted if he applied ED (my son also had relatively high academic stats for Grinnell, but I’m sure many with similar stats were rejected by Grinnell in the RD round). We had not heard stories such as those you refer to about Haverford, but admittedly we did not really do our homework. To be clear, the coach did not provide any indication that he would likely be accepted - that came only from the letter from admissions.

Our D, HS class of 2022, was a recruited athlete at Grinnell and a few other schools in the midwest and on the east coast, all small LAC’s. Her pre-reads came back very positive from all the schools she was considering. Her stats: 35 ACT, 4.0 unweighted/4.5 weighted GPA, varsity athlete, many other EC’s and community service, several awards, both athletic and academic. The Grinnell coach was crystal clear about wanting her on the team, but also crystal clear about Admissions having the final say. The coach supported her and encouraged her but never made any promises. D ended up applying to one of the east coast schools in ED1, a school where the coach told her that she was “fully supported” and “one of his top recruits” and that Admissions “Loved everything about her pre-read.” She was deferred to RD, which blew us all away. After a quick recovery, she applied to Grinnell in ED2 and was accepted with generous merit aid at the end of January.
Fast forward to now–she loves Grinnell and I have never seen her happier. Things are going well academically, she loves her team, and she has made several friends outside of her sport. Overall, I give both the Grinnell coach and Admission and A+.

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Can you share the school?

It was Wesleyan.


Thank you for responding! I had stepped away for a few days :-). And yes, it was Wesleyan.

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Can you share the sport? My child is only a Junior but interested in both schools and hopes to play.

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It involved @fandg96 's daughter. You should probably PM them.

Just sent you a PM :slight_smile: