Grinnell College Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

I can’t tell you anything more specific re: the 3-2 program than what’s on the website.

Generally at LACs with these programs few students do them. There are a few reasons why:

-students don’t want to leave their friends for senior year
-it adds a 5th year of college costs
-the 2 year school may not meet need at the same level as the 3 year school. This is especially true of Columbia, which specifically states they don’t meet full need for these students.
-3-2 students don’t have ‘better’ job outcomes, they compete with other engineering grads receiving bachelors degrees.

I encourage you to call the person who runs Grinnell’s program to discuss details.


I’m looking into this option at a different LAC, knowing all the disadvantages and understanding that the college actively advises students against it.

That said, if a student is really into CS or physics, I don’t think it could hurt to tailor their schedule so that their classes could work for a 3-2 program down the road. At least the door would stay open.

hey there! i just wanted to say that while grinnell does have the 3-2 program, it also has the 2-1-1-1 program with dartmouth! you do your first two years at grinnell, your third year at dartmouth, your fourth year back at grinnell, and your final year back at dartmouth. some people find this option more appealing, as you get to graduate with the class with whom you started your college experience.

congratulations to all the 2026 babies! you should be so, incredibly proud of yourselves. <3


This sounds like an interesting option. Do you know of anyone who did the 2-1-1-1?

i do! i know of one person who is a third-year here at grinnell who is currently at dartmouth. it’s uncommon, but there are definitely people who choose to do the 3+2/2-1-1-1 programs.

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I’m a Grinnell college student. Just applied to Dartmouths 2-1-1-1 program and accepted. Plan to go there this fall.


Any news on the waitlist?