grove city

<p>Yeah,the interview is just to see if you “fit” in the school, which I’m sure you will!</p>

<p>Yeah I think I’m in the same situation as you, I also have shown a lot of interest, which I’ve heard helps.</p>

<p>Haha yeah I sent in my first quarter grades too, and I did surprisingly well, which I think will help. Do you think they will add in the grades to the application? I think that it could only help the application, so hopefully they will.</p>

<p>yeah i think it definitely should help! I did really well too. It certainly won’t hurt, its just another thing to add to the application I hope.</p>

<p>yeah that is true, it will definitely help! :)</p>

<p>haha let’s start a countdown…26 days until they send the letter!</p>

<p>wow im getting so nervous to find out. i think they mail it 3 weeks from today. Ah! so long…</p>

<p>yeah…I can’t wait!!!</p>

<p>They got my application which is good! My interviewer was really nice, and she said that entrepreneurship doesn’t usually get a ton of applicants, and thus is easier to get into :)</p>

<p>I’m so excited!</p>

<p>oh that is good! I’m glad that the interview went well! That’s exciting that entrepreneurship will be easier to get in to :). I’ve heard that electrical engineering is a very tough major to get into, so I hope that I can get in for that!</p>

<p>Yeah I am so excited to find out!</p>

<p>aw congrats i’m really glad it went well! Yeah they my application and everything tooo.</p>

<p>ah im so nervous, we find out in two weeks!! i really hope i get in :)</p>

<p>did you guys take the SAT II’s?</p>


<p>I took the Chemistry and World History SAT IIs. My scores were horrible. LOL…oh well.</p>

<p>oh i didn’t take any. haha I’m sure you did fine. do you think that because i didnt take them that it will affect admissions?</p>

<p>I don’t think it will. They just want your SAT I scores, and they put a lot of weight on the interview.</p>

<p>Well…two weeks until they mail the letters :)</p>

<p>Oh okay. Haha ONE WEEK!! I can’t wait to find out :)</p>

<p>yay!!! decision are mailed on Monday!!! :)</p>

<p>Ah I can’t wait!!</p>

sent out todayyyy</p>

<p>ah! i know…i can’t wait, its going to take forever to come!</p>

<p>I GOT IN!!! Yay!!! I’m so happy</p>


<p>I got in too!!! Grove City College Class of 2013!!! Now I’ll be counting down the days until move in! :)</p>

<p>YAY!!! That’s awesome. Congrats!! I know :slight_smile: I’m so happy!!!</p>

<p>Yea SAME!!! Aw i’m so exited!! this is awesome!!</p>