GS Autobiographical Essay

<p>Sorry for re-posting, but I figured it deserved its own thread:</p>

<p>Are any GS students available to help demystify the autobiographical essay portion of the application?</p>

<p>Specifically: how personal of an account are they expecting; what they mean by "identify and describe specific elements of the program, academic or otherwise, that meet your needs as a nontraditional student, [and] also explain why GS is the place for you"; and finally, have any of you written the optional essay (and if so, would you mind sharing what you wrote regarding?)</p>

<p>Are there any examples of particularly good essays online anywhere?</p>

<p>I am in the same boat. I am applying to GS and I don’t know exactly how much of a personal account they want either. If you hear back from anyone or outside of here could you email me and let me know? Thanks.</p>

My essay was extremely personal.</p>

<p>im having the sameee issue! blah!</p>

<p>Thread necromancer, lol Since it’s back, yeah, mine was extremely personal as well.</p>