GSP 2012 NEW YORK Question...

<p>I got admitted into the GSP program....and the only sites left were Florence, and Paris. I asked about the New York site and they said that they would put me on the waitlist.....</p>

<p>IS there any chance of waiting for the New York site? because I really wanna go...and i'm wondering if me being put on the waitlist for the new york just another way of saying....'no space so go to Florence'</p>

<p>Do more kids get put on the waitlist or into the GSP progrm. Which is better?</p>

<p>so wait all nyu gsp sites are taken in NYC, that is messed up. I do have a question I will consider the GSP only after they send me the financial aid Letter, Do i have to respond that thing saying you need to respond to get a formal offer of admissions and then you get the finaid, or you get it before?</p>

<p>Which is better: OR shall I say harder to get: Accepted into GSP or waitlisted?</p>

<p>Obviously GSP is harder to I mean, you are GUARANTEED to be in the school. But waitlist you don't know yet.</p>

<p>Was that a serious question?</p>

<p>I'm going to assume it was a serious question since it doesn't sound like the poster is joking.</p>

<p>Meadesport - most people would say GSP, like someone else said, you're guaranteed a spot in an nyu school. it's just not the school you originally picked. For people who really love NYU, gsp is a chance for them to attend and they will go there.</p>

<p>However, let's say that you're waitlisted for the school you really love, like Tisch or something, then you still have a chance to get in through the waitlist, but of course you are not guaranteed a spot.</p>

<p>You decide which one you would rather have. For me, it's GSP because I'm undecided on major anyway.</p>

<p>I had NYC as a listed site and I got my letter pretty late. The letter says March 19th, but I got it way afterwards. I did pick NYC. Isn't it that if you go into GSP, you're guaranteed a spot into the school you originally applied?</p>

<p>Yeah that's true, if you finish gsp with a 3.0 you go into the school you originally applied to. Although you can graduate a semester early if you want, and I met a kid who was only in gsp for a year then went on to Tisch.</p>

<p>I just hope I can get enough AP credits. -_- I suck at the AP tests. I've only gotten a 5 once and it was on the Spanish test. My first AP test was a 1. The real AP teacher ran off with the AP Art teacher, so the year I took AP World History we had a coach who didn't know what he was doing. I had never taken an AP test either. xD So when I did take it, I wanted to cry. Half the class didn't finish and I know a guy that drew pictures as his essay.</p>

<p>Haha the two ap teachers ran off together? that's funny. Sorry about that though, it would suck to have a coach as a teacher.
I've done well on ap exams, I think because the standards of ap classes at my school are higher than that of the exam, so even if kids get B's in the course, like 90% of the class gets 4's or 5's.
I have 5's on four ap exams and I'm taking five exams this year as well, hopefully I'll do well. If I get credit for all nine, I can grad a year early, or get my masters in 4 years.</p>

<p>I do so-so on tests. Last year I did a lot better than that 1 my sophmore year. xD I got a 3 on the English Language test and a 5 on the Spanish test. This year I have 5 AP too and really good teachers, so I'm hoping to do well.</p>

<p>good luck!
maybe we'll both finish gsp a semester early. What school will you go on to after gsp? I'm going to CAS.</p>

<p>Same for me. I applied for a Classics major in CAS.</p>