GT Questions

<p>While I'm applying for regular transfer for next Fall, my friend has a GT to ILR. He's been fighting with himself over whether to stay at Siena, where he's fit in really well and enjoys the campus and what not, or to send in the papers for the GT.</p>

<p>A few questions:</p>

<p>1) He's ILR, but wants to switch to CALS or one of the schools where he'd take courses to fulfill pre-med a bit better and faster than ILR's economics/history/gov't classes that students usually take. He applied to ILR to begin with because he wasn't sure if he wanted to go into law or medicine, but around the time where he was accepted he was full on medicine. He knows switching schools once you're in isn't difficult, since he could probably get to CALS by spring semester of next year if he's in, he just seems to think he'll be behind and have to stay a 5th year. I told him just taking Organic Chem his first Cornell semester (since he already has Bio I/II and Chem I/II done/in progress, and he's taking Calculus this summer) would mean he's in good shape to finish normally. Would he be alright?</p>

<p>2) He also wants to know if the agreement with the GT is binding. I heard from a Facebook group that students got their applications or GT papers (whichever it is they send you by e-mail) just recently and a bunch of them are planning on sending them in between late January/mid-March. Is there a due date for the first wave of GT acceptance papers? He also needs to know when it is that they usually verify that he's in (and when that happens, does he have to go/accept it)?</p>

<p>I don’t know what the premed track is at all, but I’m sure someone else can answer that for you.</p>

<p>As for the GT stuff, the acceptance is not binding. There was a due date for the papers when I had to turn them in last year (I’m a 2011 GT) – I want to say it was March 1st or so. I found out that I was officially in the first or second week of May, I think.</p>

<p>Thanks, Indigo! I’m sure he can at the least send his papers in, especially if he doesn’t have to decide right then and there.</p>

<p>I’ll let him know.</p>