GT waitlist statistics

<p>For those of you that may be interested, here are the historical waitlist statitics for Georgia Tech:</p>

<p>Offered waitlist/accepted waitlist/admitted from waitlist/% admitted
2009-2010 450/320/123/38%
2008-2009 184/98/92/94%
2007-2008 177/118/3/2.5%
2006-2007 504/293/156/53%
2005-2006 426/208/102/49%
2004-2005 N/A (not sure if no statistics available or no waitlist offered)
2003-2004 163/85/35/41%</p>

<p>Numbers are taken from Georgia Tech's website.</p>

<p>I'll leave it to others that are closer to admissions to speculate about what these numbers might mean for this year's waitlist based on experience and admissions trends.</p>

<p>I guess the number is much larger this year.</p>

<p>I hope the number is much larger this year.</p>