Gtown vs BC vs UVA social life

<p>Any current students have an opinion? Interested in quality of parties, girls, etc. Thanks!</p>

<p>Can’t say I know much about BC but I can speak to UVA and Gtown. The UVA social scene is much more influenced by fraternities and sororities, and most of the good parties are connected to the Greek scene. Georgetown parties are generally a little tamer than UVA parties, but you don’t have to be in a frat to get in, so it’s a bit more inclusive.</p>

<p>UVA is also a lot bigger than Gtown of course, and it has more of an influence on the surrounding neighborhood, so there are lots of house parties, etc. At Georgetown, a lot of the local area isn’t college students, so it’s harder to just wander out into the neigborhood and find an apartment party.</p>

<p>In general, I think people at UVA may be a little friendlier (but who knows), and so far as girls go, you can’t go wrong either place.</p>